Contractor Defense

Contractor Defense - Deadbeat Customer Database

Contractors Signed Up: 328


Find them Before they get you!

This site was created for companies to look up perspective customers before they work for them. If you have been the victim of a deadbeat customer, please add them to the site.



If you work for customers in any field, from fuel deliveries to additions on homes, you have probably had the unfortunate experience of dealing with a difficult and/or non-paying customer. Every business has had problem customers at some point in time so this site was developed to expose them so that other companies will have full knowledge of their difficult history before they agree to work for them.


We encourage companies to share their negative customer experiences so that you can look up perspective customers and know exactly what your dealing with.


Before your next job, check Contractor Defense and make sure your next customer is an honest one!


For example: How many people call for an oil delivery, don't pay for that delivery and then proceed to call one company after another, never paying. It is time to expose these people. Do you want to waste your time on these people? Know what your dealing with before you take that next call.




Time is money! Don't let dishonest customers waste yours!


We respect your privacy and will not distribute your contact information.

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Please help spread the word.  I'm a small business owner who started this site to help others.